We write it, we read it, we speak it. It has been there all along just waiting to be discovered. THE CODE

The Code is a fascinating exploration of history, linguistics, numerology and philosophy that endeavors to explain the discovery of a secret code that is hidden in the English language. After conducting extensive research and hiring a statistician to independently test all of his work, the Codebreaker came to the conclusion that the Code is not accidental, but intentional and irrefutable. The existence of the Code is nothing short of life-changing and the implications are monumental.
The Code tells the story of the discovery of the Code and presents overwhelming evidence showing that there is a force at work – a force that many call God. The ongoing narrative of the discovery is supplemented with tables that demonstrate how particular historical events are related to central historical figures. The book also contains brief histories of the events and brief biographies of the people to give the reader some historical background. Pictures highlight each section, bringing the discovery of the Code to life. There are also statistics for significance, for the probability of the results occurring randomly, and for tests of four claims regarding the incredible propositions that the Codebreaker makes.
By the end of the book you will have seen that the Code exists and is indisputable. It is unbelievable that this deliberate but secret code has been etched in the English language to be discovered one day for all to see.